Wireless Hand Remote Controller for Cayman B GPS Gen 1.5/1.6 & 1.7 motors. Features backlit screen with auto on/off backlighting, backlit buttons, speed and direction control, spot lock, heading lock, drift control, reverse motor, route record/replay and macros for customisation. Uses 3 x AAA batteries. Comes with lanyard. Requires GPS Module upgrade as well for this remote to control Cayman B GPS Gen 1.5/1.6 & 1.7. Product coming soon. Requires GPS Module upgrade in order to work with the above Cayman B GPS versions, price of module changeover is $390.
Wireless Hand Remote Controller for Cayman B GPS (Gen 1.5/1.6 & 1.7)
SKU: 50811 Categories: Accessories, Wireless Hand Remote

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